Wedding Invitations - The Front Cover to your Wedding Day Story

Wedding invitations are often an underestimated and undervalued part of the wedding planning process. But, they really shouldn’t be. They actually play a very important role in your wedding planning story.

Think about your wedding as a beautiful love story that is just waiting to be brought to life on your special day. When you are selecting a book to read, you look at the cover first, right? We all love pretty pictures! Visual images help us understand creative ideas and help pique our interest in things. Well, couldn’t this apply to your wedding too? Of course, it can! You’ve worked so hard to bring each piece of your wedding together to create this perfect, cohesive and unique event. Now, it’s time to get your friends and family excited about your love story! You can help bring that excitement through your invitations.

When your guests receive your wedding invitation in their mail or inbox, it is their first glimpse into your wedding story. They open the envelope to find a beautifully crafted invitation of hand-selected paper, font, color, design, and style. All these individual parts that make up your invitation are an opportunity for you to add your own unique style to the overall design. Think about what your guests will see when they open that invitation. Will they see elegance and simplicity, clean lines and modern vibes for your upscale city art loft-themed wedding? Or, will they see a rustic cut-edge paper with vines of greenery framing out the casual font for your rustic barn wedding? Or, will they see a classic style font surrounded by colorful floral patterns and rose gold foil details for your elegant flower garden wedding?

Your wedding invitation should convey the theme and style of your wedding perfectly! It is also what tells your guests the important information like who, where, and when and helps them understand the recommended attire.

My client above created the perfect brand story with their invitations and the vision of their beautiful day to convey a colorful, retro tropical vibe to the guests of honor. When their guests received the invitations they were given a perfect front page view of the couple’s style and what type of vibe they would expect to see at the wedding itself. This is a great example and wonderful inspiration to dream up your own storybook cover page for your guests. Just remember when selecting your colors and theme to be true to you and your significant other. Your style is always the best style and that’s what your guests want to see!

Happy Planning,
